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Members’ Publications Pin Board

Aptroot, Marion and Rebekka Voß, in collaboration with Avraham Siluk (eds.), Libes briv (1848/49): Isaak Wetzlars pietistisches Erneuerungsprogramm des Judentums. Textedition, Übersetzung, Kommentar und historische Beiträge (Love Letter (1848/49): Isaac Wetzlar’s pietistic program of Jewish religious renewal. Edition, translation, commentary, and historical essays), Hamburg, Buske 2021.

Bauer, Stefan, Guest Editor of “The Uses of History in Religious Controversies from Erasmus to Baronio,” Special Issue of Renaissance Studies 35/1 (2021).

Bauer, Stefan, “Pontianus Polman Re-imagined: How (Not) to Write a History of Religious Polemics,” Renaissance Studies 35 (2021): p. 24–42.

Bauer, Stefan, “The Uses of History in Religious Controversies from Erasmus to Baronio: Introduction,” Renaissance Studies 35 (2021): p. 9–23.

Bauer, Stefan, “Who Wrote the Lives of the Popes? Permutations of a Renaissance Myth,” Catholic Historical Review 107 (2021): p. 28–49.

Bauer, Stefan, “Waiting for the White Smoke,” Literary Review (November 2021): p. 37–38.

Caffiero, Marina, ed., L’inquisizione e gli ebrei. Nuove ricerche, Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2021.

Caffiero, Marina and Marina Montesano, eds., Superstizione, magia, demonologia, stregoneria. Mediatori culturali e circolazione delle credenze tra tardo medioevo e prima età moderna,  Special Issue of Rivista di Storia del Cristianesimo 1 (2021).

Caffiero, Marina, ed., Collection “La memoria restituita. Fonti per la storia delle donne”, Vol. 15 and 16, Roma, Viella , 2021.

Cappuccilli, Eleonora, “I conflitti della disciplina: libri di condotta femminile e critica patriarcale nel Seicento inglese,” Stato, legittimità, disciplina e istituzioni. Scritti in onore di Pierangelo Schiera, ed. by Monica Cioli and Maurizio Ricciardi, Quaderni di Scienza & Politica 13 (2021): p. 33-50.

Cappuccilli, Eleonora, “In the Steps of Birgitta of Sweden: The Reluctant Authority of Paola Antonia Negri (1508-1555),” Renaissance Studies 35/4 (2021): p. 582-599.

Cavaillé, Jean-Pierre, “Naked as a sign. Comment les Quakers ont inventé la nudité protestaire,” CLIO. Femmes, Genre, Histoire 54 (2021): “Se dénuder”, p. 75-100. 

Cavaillé, Jean-Pierre, “From Quakers to Femen. Practices in protest nudity,” Bodies in Early Modern Religious Dissent Naked, Veiled, Vilified, Worshipped, ed. by Elisabeth Fischer and Xenia von Tippelskirch, London / New York, Routledge, 2021, p. 121-138.

Cavaillé, Jean-Pierre, “Christine philosophe”, Christine de Suède et la philosophie, 2021.

Cavaillé, Jean-Pierre, “La contagion de l’athéisme et du libertinage (XVIe-XVIIIe siècle,” La Lettre clandestine 29 (2021): p. 291-307.

Cavaillé, Jean-Pierre, “L’Apologia di Machiavelli e il paradigma dell’uomo dissociato : una lettura di Louis Machon nella prospettiva di Anna Maria Battista,” Le Trasformazioni della Science de l’homme. Anna Maria Battista e la psicologia politica, Milano, Mimesis, 2021, p. 71-84.

Driedger, Michael, Francesco Quatrini, Nina Schroeder and Gary K. Waite, eds., Spiritualism in Early Modern Europe, special double issue of Church History and Religious Culture, 101 2/3 (2021): p. 135-398.

Faini, Marco, Standing at the Crossroads. Stories of Doubt in Renaissance Italy, The Modern Humanities Research Association, 2023.

García Garrido, Águeda, Fray Juan Márquez (1564-1621): un maestro de la Reforma católica, Huelva, Servicio de publicaciones de la Universidad, coll. Biblioteca biográfica del Renacimiento español, 2021.

Giordano, María Laura, ““Hijo de rey” y “linaje divino”: Diego Pérez de Valdivia y la deconstrucción de la limpieza de sangre en un sermón inédito de Diego Pérez de Valdivia (ca 1580),” Res publica 24/2 (2021): p. 121-138.

González Fernández, Luis, “Cuatro bodas y un pacto diabólico: el caso de Quien mal anda en mal acaba de Juan Ruiz de Alarcón,” El tablado, la calle, la fiesta teatral en el Siglo de Oro, ed. by Miguel Zugasti and Ana Zúñiga Lacruz,  Castelló de la Plana, Universitat Jaume I, 2021, p. 133-149.

Harvey, Isabel, “Visiting Convents: Hospitality Practices of Nunneries in the Papal States (1592-1605),” Early Modern Cultures of Hospitality, ed. by David Goldstein and Marco Piana, Toronto. Essays and Studies series of the Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, 2021, p. 94-114.

Harvey, Isabel, “Prendre en main la clôture: constructions stratégiques de la norme et réécriture pratique de la Règle. Profils de religieuses écrivaines du XVIIe siècle,” L’exception et la Règle. Les pratiques d’entrée et de sortie des couvents, de la fin du Moyen Âge au XIXe siècle, ed. by Albrecht Burkardt and Alexandra Roger, Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2021, p. 295-308.

Hatzopoulos, Marios, “Saints in revolt: The anti-Ottoman Vision of kyr Daniel”, Early Modern Prophecies in Transnational, National and Regional Contexts, vol. 2: The Mediterranean World, ed. by Lionel Laborie and Ariel Hessayon, Leiden, Brill, 2021, p. 246-276.

Hessayon, Ariel, “Beastly Furie, and Extreme Violence’: Pain, Injury and Death Resulting from Football and Other Ball Games Played in the British Isles Before the Reformation.” The Palgrave Handbook of Sport, Politics and Harm, ed. by Stephen Wagg and Allyson M. Pollock, Cham, Switzerland, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021, p. 17-70.

Houdard, Sophie, « Famille matérielle, famille imaginée. Gouvernement spirituel et ordre familial dans la Vie de Madame Acarie d’André Duval (1621) », Madame Acarie 1566-1618, Mystique, politique et société au lendemain des guerres de Religion, Actes du colloque 2018 ICP, ed. by David Gilbert, PUR, 2021.

 Houdard, Sophie, « Jean-Joseph Surin et le Royaume intérieur. La construction d’un groupement volontaire spirituel », Ecriture du groupe. Ecriture en groupeLes Dossiers du Grihl, ed. by Laurence Giavarini and Camille Noûs, 2021, [ 9649].

Ivanova, Maria, “Non-compliant reading and annotating in the Ruthenian Reformation: Cyril of Jerusalem’s Mystagogical Catechisms from Szymon Budny’s library,”  East/West: Journal of Ukrainian Studies 8/2 (2021): p. 89-121. 

Ivanova, Maria, “Gizel, Yevstakhii,” Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, 2021:

Ivanova, Maria, “‘O znamenii krestnom’ iz iev’evskogo Bukvaria (1618): k voprosu o sotrudnichestve Meletiia Smotritskogo i Pavla Liutkovicha-Telitsy [“On the Sign of the Cross” from the Vievis Primer (1618): on the Collaboration between Meletii Smotryts’kyi and Pavlo Liutkovych-Telytsia] in: Tainstvo slova i obraza, Sergiev Posad, 2021, p. 186-201.

Kneupper, Frances, “Prophecy and the Holy Roman Empire – Identity, Apocalypticism, and Reform,” Germanias (1519-1522) and other European revolts: Renaissance Art in Turbulent Times, Tirant lo Blanch, 2021.

Lodone, Michele,  I segni della fine. Storia di un predicatore nell’Italia del Rinascimento, Roma, Viella, 2021.

Lodone, Michele, I testi profetici tra latino e volgare, in S. Bischetti, M. Lodone, C. Lorenzi, A. Montefusco (eds.), Toscana bilingue (1260-1430). Per una storia sociale del tradurre medievale, Berlin-Boston, De Gruyter, 2021, pp. 247-63. 

Mariani, Giacomo, L’Inquisizione romana a Imola, Imola, Il Nuovo Diario Messaggero, 2021.

Mattei, Francesca, “Guillaume Budè et l’architecture,” Les Noces de Philologie et de Guillaume Budé, ed. by C. Bénévent, R. Menini, L.A. Sanchi, Paris, 2021, p. 155-172 and, with F. Salatin, p. 105-122

Mattei, Francesca, “La recherche d’une Renaissance mineure au XIXe siècle. Modèles et historiographie,” Architecture: invention et modèles, ed. by J.P. Garric, Paris, Éditions de la Sorbonne, collection HistoArt/HiCSA, 2021, p. 43-58.

Roads, Judith, “Change and Continuity in Quaker Rhetoric after 1660,” Religions 12/3 (2021): p. 168.

Schnapp, Joël, “Les sources prophétiques dominicaines sur la chute de Constantinople,” Crusading Ideas and Fear of the Turks in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe, ed. by Magnus Ressel, Collection Croisades Tardives, Presses Universitaires du Midi, Toulouse, 2021, p. 71-93.

Schnapp, Joël, review of Aurélien Robert, Epicure aux Enfershérésie, athéisme et hédonisme au Moyen Age, Fayard, 2021, ‘

Schnapp, Joël, review of Giuseppe Mazzanti, Un imperatore musulmano. Il Liber de sceleribus et infelicitate perfidi turchi ac de spurcitia et feditate gentis et secte sue (1467/1468) di Rodrigo Sánchez de Arévalo, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2020 in Aevum, Rassegna di Scienze Storiche, Linguistiche e Filologiche. Anno XCV, Settembre-Dicembre 2021, pp. 845-847.

Voß, Rebekka, Disputed Messiahs: Jewish and Christian Messianism in the Ashkenazic World during the Reformation, Detroit, Wayne State University Press, 2021.

Waite, Gary K., “The Devil of Delft in England: the Reception of the Dutch Spiritualist David Joris in 17th -Century English Polemics,” Church History and Religious Culture 101/4 (Winter 2021): p. 429-495.

Waite, Gary K., “Spiritualism and Rationalism in Early Modern Europe: the Case of David Joris,” Spiritualism in Early Modern Europe, ed. by Michael Driedger, Francesco Quatrini, Nina Schroeder, and Gary K. Waite, special double issue of Church History and Religious Culture 101/2-3 (2021): 263-285.

Waite, Gary K., with Michael Driedger, and with contributions from Francesco Quatrini and Nina Schroeder, “From ‘the Radical Reformation’ to ‘the Radical Enlightenment’?: The Spectre and Complexities of Spiritualism in England, Germany, and the Low Countries,” Introduction to Spiritualism in Early Modern Europe, ed. by Michael Driedger, Francesco Quatrini, Nina Schroeder, and Gary K. Waite, special double issue of Church History and Religious Culture 101/2-3 (2021): p. 135-166.

Waite, Gary K., “Spiritualists,” T&T Clark Handbook of Anabaptism, ed. by Brian C. Brewer, London, T&T Clark/Bloomsbury, 2021, p. 543-558.

Waite, Gary K., “David Joris: Als Burgherr abgetaucht und posthum verbrannt,” Täufer, Aufrührer, Friedfertige, Märtyrer: Eine Galierie Kleiner Porträts, ed. and transl. by Hans-Jürgen Goertz,  Bolanden-Weierhof, Mennonitischer Geschichtsverein, 2021, p. 95-103.

Waite, Gary K., “Dirk Philips: Eine Stimme der mennonitischen Rechtgläubigkeit,” Täufer, Aufrührer, Friedfertige, Märtyrer: Eine Galierie Kleiner Porträts, ed. and transl. by Hans-Jürgen Goertz, Bolanden-Weierhof, Mennonitischer Geschichtsverein, 2021, p. 115-121.