2nd History of Early Modern Spiritualism Symposium
Schedule, Amsterdam, July 10-11, 2019
Wednesday July 10 – Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
9:30-10:00 Welcome, Coffee, Initial comments
10:00-11:10 Collegiants and Socinians
- Russ Leo (Princeton) How Collegiant readers like Jarig Jelles approached Spinoza and how they made sense of the Ethics and the TTP
- Francesco Quatrini (Queen’s University Belfast) Verdedinge van de vryheyt der religie (1649): An Anonymous Dutch Translation of Johann Crell’s Vindiciae pro religionis libertate
11:10-11:20 Short break
11:20-12:30 Italian Nonconformism and Toleration
- Nick Terpstra (UofT) Navigating Religions in a Free Port: Space, Sense, and Ritual in Seventeenth Century Livorno
- Stefano Villani “A man of intrigue but of no virtue”: Jean-Baptiste Stouppe between Raison d’État and Religion.
12:30-14:00 Lunch break
14:00-15:10 The Reformation and Spiritualism
- Christine Schulte (Erlangen) Melanchthon and the Holy Spirit
- Jim Stayer (Queens) From the Flensburg Disputation April 1529 to the Beginning of the Anabaptist Regime in Münster February 1534: The Importance of the Period for the Contours of the non-Lutheran Reformation in Germany
15:10-15:30 Break
15:30-17:10 Mennonites and Spiritualism
- Henk Looijesteijn (VU) A generation of dissent? Middelburg Mennonites on a spritual quest, c. 1640-c.1670
- Theo Brok (VU) Was Adam Pastor a “spiritualizing Anabaptist”?
17:10-18:00 Pre keynote reception
18:00 -19:30: Keynote: Nigel Smith (Princeton) To Network or Not to Network: Art, the Literary and ‘Invention’ in Early Modern European Radical Religion.
Thursday July 11 – Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
9:40-11:20 Later Spiritualists in England and the Dutch Republic
- Judith Roads (Birmingham U, ret) Quaker Meetings for Church Affairs – radical now, radical then: an examination of 17thcentury Quaker minutes
- Brookelnn Cooper (Brock MA) Identifying the Anonymous Printer of Menno Simons’s De Blasphemie van Jan van Leiden(1627): A Bibliographical Analysis. Typography, Paper, and a Waterlander Printer with a Purpose: Jacob Aertsz Colom.
- Nina Schroeder Heterodoxy in Arnold Houbraken’s “Groote Schouburgh der Nederlandsche konstschilders en schilderessen…”.
11:20-11:30 Break
11:30-12:40 Sex, Magic, and Spiritualism
- Anselm Schubert (Erlangen) Celestial Sex: Gender Trouble and the doctrine of heavenly flesh
- Hans de Waardt (VU) Spiritualism & Witchcraft/Devil
12:40-14:00 Travel (by Metro) and Lunch in the Allard Pierson (Rare Book, UvA) Library, Lunch Room
14:00-15:30 Spiritualist Books
- Mirjam van Veen (VU) Chair
- August den Hollander (VU)
- Gary Waite (UNB), David Joris: Transforming the Holy Spirit into the Human Mind – Joris’s T’Wonderboek, c.1543 and 2nded. 1551 (printed 1584), and the Verklaringhe der Scheppenissen (1553, printed c.1586)
15:30: To pub!
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Isabel Harvey (June 20, 2019). 2nd History of Early Modern Spiritualism Symposium. EMoDiR. Retrieved October 11, 2024 from https://doi.org/10.58079/o82s